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½¾Íè¤Î¥¥ã¥Ã¥×¤Îµ¡Ç½À¤ò¸«Ä¾¤·¡¢¥¢¥Ã¥×¥Ç¡¼¥È¤µ¤ì¤¿SUMMIT ATTACK CAP¤Ïĺ¾å¤òÌܻؤ¹¤¢¤Ê¤¿¤Ë¤È¤Ã¤Æ¡¢Îɤ¤ÁêËÀ¤È¤Ê¤Ã¤Æ¤¯¤ì¤ë¤Ç¤·¤ç¤¦¡£
¡Ú¥µ¥¤¥º¡ÛOne size fits all (53cm-61cm)¡¿¤Ä¤Ð¤ÎŤµ¡§5.2cm ¤Ä¤Ð¤ÎÉý¡§7.0cm

"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together"
SUMMIT ATTACK CAP has optimal weight reduction and comfort brought by lots of ventilation,
Asian fit shape and Unique size adjustment structureallows for a comfortable fit under harsh environments such as trails, adventure, gravel, and MTB.
This is a headgear that provides excellent performance even when used in a variety of situations.
Two types of ventilation, which make up more than 70% of the surface area, effectively draw in air and prevent heat from building up in the head.
It does not lose its comfort even in hot and humid environments.
Instead of the conventional belt-like size adjuster on the back of the head, a flat and highly stretchable structure is used.
It easily fits each individual head shape and does not interfere with the ratchet when wearing a helmet.
In addition, there is an adjuster on the front that allows quick and easy access even when wearing gloves.
Improved fit performance, creating a light and comfortable fit. (12% lighter than TRAIL EXPLORE CAP)
Reflectors placed around the head ensure visibility when driving in the dark or at night, increasing safety.
The lightweight and flexible brim relieves pressure on the head when worn, and maintains its shape when stored.
It can be rolled up into small pieces.
Silicon-like lines in the sweatband section that relieve uncomfortable sweat flow to the forehead,
The adjustable depth at the top of the head is an idea that enhances FEELCAP's unique functionality.
"Great things are accomplished by a series of small things."
SUMMIT ATTACK CAP has been updated by reviewing the functionality of conventional caps.
It will be a good companion for you as you aim for the top.
¡ÚSize¡ÛOne size fits all (53cm-61cm)
¡ÚComposition¡ÛMain/Polyester 100%
¡ÚCountry of origin¡ÛChina
头带ÆÈÆÃŪ¼ÜÀ£调节结构¨»Èºß步Æ»¡¢Ãµ险¡¢砾ÀС¢MTB Åù恶Îô环¶²¼ÌéǽÄ󶡽п§Åª贴¹çÀ¡£
²þ进Ū贴¹çÀǽ带Íè轻±Îа适Ū贴¹ç´¶¡£ ¡ÊÈæ TRAIL EXPLORE CAP 轻 12%¡Ë
¹¹¿·¹¡Åª SUMMIT ATTACK CAP ¾À®为Æẳ»Öºß巅ÊöŪ¿ÍŪ绝²Âȼ侣¡£
¡Ú¼ÜÀ£¡Û One size fits all (53cm-61cm)
¡ÚºàÎÁ¡Û˹¿È/榴ãÉôʬ/100% 涤纶¡¤Â¶Â¾Éôʬ/100% Æô龙

The features of the head shape of Westerners are vertical, with narrow sides and overhanging back of the head.
On the other hand, the head shape of Asians is close to a circle, the side is overhanging, and has a flat shape.
However, in severe sports, even with a slight error, conventional hats have dealt with the shape of the head with completely different characteristics in one shape.
FEELCAP has reviewed the conventional design from the ground up, and has approached from a different angle the functions required for wear depth and width, material and shape, and sports more suitable for Asians, in pursuit of high fit and comfort.
Effectively using a polyhedral structure that produces a more circular form and different stretch materials that improve fit.
In addition, unique cutting was calculated so that the balance of head shape and face looks beautiful when worn.
Such as a stretch back panel that changes to the conventional size adjuster, a depth adjustment unique structure that can be adjusted and customized according to your preference according to the depth of the head, the amount of hair, and the presence or absence of sunglasses, etc.
FEELCAP creates a completely new comfort with unprecedented functionality.
ÍÚÃÃÏ»ÈÍÑ产À¸¹¹Â¿圆·Á·Á¾õŪ¿ÌÌÂÎ结构϶ñÍÉÔƱ弹ÀŪºàÎÁÍè²þÁ±贴¹çÅÙ¡£º¡³°¡¤ÆÈÆÃŪÀÚ³äÊý¼°经过计»»¡¤ÐÐÂ×时头ÉôŪ·Á¾õÏÂ脸ÉôŪʿ¹Õ´Çµ¯Íè×Ìɺμ¡£ FEEL CAP¶ñÍÁ°½ê̤ÍŪ¸ùǽ¡¤ÎãÇ¡²ÄÂØÂå传统¼ÜÀ£调节´ïŪ¹¡ÌÌÈÄ¡¤ÆÈÆÃŪ结构¡¤²Ä让您º¬¿ø头ÉôŪ¿¼ÅÙ¡¤头发Ū¿ôḬ̂ʵÚÀ§Èݸºß头发Í輫ͳ调节½ê¼ûŪ¿¼ÅÙ¡£ÂÀ阳镜¡¤带ÍèÁ´¿·ÅªÐ°适´¶¡£
¡¡SUMMIT ATTACK CAP¤ÏºÇŬ¤Ê·ÚÎ̲½¤È¿¤¯¤Î¥Ù¥ó¥Á¥ì¡¼¥·¥ç¥ó¤¬¤â¤¿¤é¤¹²÷ŬÀ¡¢¥¢¥¸¥¢¥ó¥Õ¥£¥Ã¥È·Á¾õ¤ÈÆȼ«¤Î¥µ¥¤¥ºÄ´À°¹½Â¤¤Ë¤è¤ë¥Õ¥£¥Ã¥ÈÀ¤¬¡¢¥È¥ì¥¤¥ë¤ä¥¢¥É¥Ù¥ó¥Á¥ã¡¼¡¢¥°¥é¥Ù¥ë¤äMTB¤Ê¤É²á¹ó¤Ê´Ä¶²¼¤Ë¤ª¤¤¤Æ¤âÍ¥¤ì¤¿¥Ñ¥Õ¥©¡¼¥Þ¥ó¥¹¤òȯ´ø¤¹¤ë¥Ø¥Ã¥É¥®¥¢¤Ç¤¹¡£
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½¾Íè¤Î¥¥ã¥Ã¥×¤Îµ¡Ç½À¤ò¸«Ä¾¤·¡¢¥¢¥Ã¥×¥Ç¡¼¥È¤µ¤ì¤¿SUMMIT ATTACK CAP¤Ïĺ¾å¤òÌܻؤ¹¤¢¤Ê¤¿¤Ë¤È¤Ã¤Æ¡¢Îɤ¤ÁêËÀ¤È¤Ê¤Ã¤Æ¤¯¤ì¤ë¤Ç¤·¤ç¤¦¡£
¡Ú¥µ¥¤¥º¡ÛOne size fits all (53cm-61cm)¡¿¤Ä¤Ð¤ÎŤµ¡§5.2cm ¤Ä¤Ð¤ÎÉý¡§7.0cm

"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together"
SUMMIT ATTACK CAP has optimal weight reduction and comfort brought by lots of ventilation,
Asian fit shape and Unique size adjustment structureallows for a comfortable fit under harsh environments such as trails, adventure, gravel, and MTB.
This is a headgear that provides excellent performance even when used in a variety of situations.
Two types of ventilation, which make up more than 70% of the surface area, effectively draw in air and prevent heat from building up in the head.
It does not lose its comfort even in hot and humid environments.
Instead of the conventional belt-like size adjuster on the back of the head, a flat and highly stretchable structure is used.
It easily fits each individual head shape and does not interfere with the ratchet when wearing a helmet.
In addition, there is an adjuster on the front that allows quick and easy access even when wearing gloves.
Improved fit performance, creating a light and comfortable fit. (12% lighter than TRAIL EXPLORE CAP)
Reflectors placed around the head ensure visibility when driving in the dark or at night, increasing safety.
The lightweight and flexible brim relieves pressure on the head when worn, and maintains its shape when stored.
It can be rolled up into small pieces.
Silicon-like lines in the sweatband section that relieve uncomfortable sweat flow to the forehead,
The adjustable depth at the top of the head is an idea that enhances FEELCAP's unique functionality.
"Great things are accomplished by a series of small things."
SUMMIT ATTACK CAP has been updated by reviewing the functionality of conventional caps.
It will be a good companion for you as you aim for the top.
¡ÚSize¡ÛOne size fits all (53cm-61cm)
¡ÚComposition¡ÛMain/Polyester 100%
¡ÚCountry of origin¡ÛChina
头带ÆÈÆÃŪ¼ÜÀ£调节结构¨»Èºß步Æ»¡¢Ãµ险¡¢砾ÀС¢MTB Åù恶Îô环¶²¼ÌéǽÄ󶡽п§Åª贴¹çÀ¡£
²þ进Ū贴¹çÀǽ带Íè轻±Îа适Ū贴¹ç´¶¡£ ¡ÊÈæ TRAIL EXPLORE CAP 轻 12%¡Ë
¹¹¿·¹¡Åª SUMMIT ATTACK CAP ¾À®为Æẳ»Öºß巅ÊöŪ¿ÍŪ绝²Âȼ侣¡£
¡Ú¼ÜÀ£¡Û One size fits all (53cm-61cm)
¡ÚºàÎÁ¡Û˹¿È/榴ãÉôʬ/100% 涤纶¡¤Â¶Â¾Éôʬ/100% Æô龙

The features of the head shape of Westerners are vertical, with narrow sides and overhanging back of the head.
On the other hand, the head shape of Asians is close to a circle, the side is overhanging, and has a flat shape.
However, in severe sports, even with a slight error, conventional hats have dealt with the shape of the head with completely different characteristics in one shape.
FEELCAP has reviewed the conventional design from the ground up, and has approached from a different angle the functions required for wear depth and width, material and shape, and sports more suitable for Asians, in pursuit of high fit and comfort.
Effectively using a polyhedral structure that produces a more circular form and different stretch materials that improve fit.
In addition, unique cutting was calculated so that the balance of head shape and face looks beautiful when worn.
Such as a stretch back panel that changes to the conventional size adjuster, a depth adjustment unique structure that can be adjusted and customized according to your preference according to the depth of the head, the amount of hair, and the presence or absence of sunglasses, etc.
FEELCAP creates a completely new comfort with unprecedented functionality.
ÍÚÃÃÏ»ÈÍÑ产À¸¹¹Â¿圆·Á·Á¾õŪ¿ÌÌÂÎ结构϶ñÍÉÔƱ弹ÀŪºàÎÁÍè²þÁ±贴¹çÅÙ¡£º¡³°¡¤ÆÈÆÃŪÀÚ³äÊý¼°经过计»»¡¤ÐÐÂ×时头ÉôŪ·Á¾õÏÂ脸ÉôŪʿ¹Õ´Çµ¯Íè×Ìɺμ¡£ FEEL CAP¶ñÍÁ°½ê̤ÍŪ¸ùǽ¡¤ÎãÇ¡²ÄÂØÂå传统¼ÜÀ£调节´ïŪ¹¡ÌÌÈÄ¡¤ÆÈÆÃŪ结构¡¤²Ä让您º¬¿ø头ÉôŪ¿¼ÅÙ¡¤头发Ū¿ôḬ̂ʵÚÀ§Èݸºß头发Í輫ͳ调节½ê¼ûŪ¿¼ÅÙ¡£ÂÀ阳镜¡¤带ÍèÁ´¿·ÅªÐ°适´¶¡£