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¡Ú¥µ¥¤¥º¡ÛXS-S(52-55cm) S-M(55cm-58cm) M-L(58cm-61cm)
¡ÚÁǺà¡ÛËÜÂÎ/ÌÊ100%¡¢ÀÚÂØ/¥Ý¥ê¥¨¥¹¥Æ¥ë82% ¥Ý¥ê¥¦¥ì¥¿¥ó18%

Important elements of the cycling cap are its wearing feel and form.
Redesign the conventional cycling cap from scratch. Consisting of eight panels with different expansion and contraction rates, it has created a form that fits an Asian-specific wide head shape.
Unique cutting calculated so that the balance of head shape and face looks beautiful when worn.
The side panel is made of cotton that holds water and facilitates cooling of the heat of vaporization.
A slightly deeper design that allows for interference with the ratchet when wearing a met, a front / back panel that combines breathability and stretch, and a cycling cap that combines classic goodness with contemporary interpretation.
¡ÚSize¡ÛXS-S(52cm-55cm) S-M(55cm-58cm) M-L(58cm-61cm)
¡ÚComposition¡ÛMain / Cotton 100%¡¡Other / Polyester 82% Polyurethane 18%
¡ÚCountry of origin¡ÛVietnam
¡Ú¼ÜÀ£¡Û XS-S¡Ê52-55cm¡ËS-M¡Ê55cm-58cm¡ËM-L¡Ê58cm-61cm¡Ë
¡ÚºàÎÁ¡Û˹¿È/ 100¡óÌÉ¡¤拼ÀÜÉÛ/ 82¡ó涤纶18¡óPU


The features of the head shape of Westerners are vertical, with narrow sides and overhanging back of the head.
On the other hand, the head shape of Asians is close to a circle, the side is overhanging, and has a flat shape.
However, in severe sports, even with a slight error, conventional hats have dealt with the shape of the head with
completely different characteristics in one shape.
FEELCAP has reviewed the conventional design from the ground up, and has approached from a different angle
the functions required for wear depth and width, material and shape, and sports more suitable for Asians,
in pursuit of high fit and comfort.
Effectively using a polyhedral structure that produces a more circular form
and different stretch materials that improve fit.
In addition, unique cutting was calculated so that the balance of head shape and face looks beautiful when worn.
Such as a stretch back panel that changes to the conventional size adjuster, a depth adjustment unique structure that
can be adjusted and customized according to your preference according to the depth of the head, the amount of hair,
and the presence or absence of sunglasses, etc.
FEELCAP creates a completely new comfort with unprecedented functionality.
FEEL CAP¶ñÍÁ°½ê̤ÍŪ¸ùǽ¡¤ÎãÇ¡²ÄÂØÂå传统¼ÜÀ£调节带Ū¹¡ÌÌÈÄ¡¤ÆÈÆÃŪ结构²Ä让您º¬¿ø头ŪÂç¾®¡¤发ÎÌŪ¿¾¯°ÊµÚÀ§ÈÝÂ×ÂÀ阳镜ÅùÅù¡¤Íè进¹Ô¼ÜÀ£调节,给您带ÍèÁ´¿·ÅªÐ°适´¶¡£
¤³¤Á¤é¤Î¾¦ÉʤÏñÉʤΤ´Ãíʸ¤Ç¤¹¤È¥á¡¼¥ëÊؤǤÎÇÛÁ÷¤¬²Äǽ¤Ç¤¹¡ÊÇÛÁ÷ÎÁ 275±ß Àǹþ¡Ë¡£Æü»þ¤Î¤´»ØÄê¤Ï¤Ç¤¤Þ¤»¤ó¤Î¤Ç¤´Î»¾µ¤¯¤À¤µ¤¤¡£
¡Ú¥µ¥¤¥º¡ÛXS-S(52-55cm) S-M(55cm-58cm) M-L(58cm-61cm)
¡ÚÁǺà¡ÛËÜÂÎ/ÌÊ100%¡¢ÀÚÂØ/¥Ý¥ê¥¨¥¹¥Æ¥ë82% ¥Ý¥ê¥¦¥ì¥¿¥ó18%

Important elements of the cycling cap are its wearing feel and form.
Redesign the conventional cycling cap from scratch. Consisting of eight panels with different expansion and contraction rates, it has created a form that fits an Asian-specific wide head shape.
Unique cutting calculated so that the balance of head shape and face looks beautiful when worn.
The side panel is made of cotton that holds water and facilitates cooling of the heat of vaporization.
A slightly deeper design that allows for interference with the ratchet when wearing a met, a front / back panel that combines breathability and stretch, and a cycling cap that combines classic goodness with contemporary interpretation.
¡ÚSize¡ÛXS-S(52cm-55cm) S-M(55cm-58cm) M-L(58cm-61cm)
¡ÚComposition¡ÛMain / Cotton 100%¡¡Other / Polyester 82% Polyurethane 18%
¡ÚCountry of origin¡ÛVietnam
¡Ú¼ÜÀ£¡Û XS-S¡Ê52-55cm¡ËS-M¡Ê55cm-58cm¡ËM-L¡Ê58cm-61cm¡Ë
¡ÚºàÎÁ¡Û˹¿È/ 100¡óÌÉ¡¤拼ÀÜÉÛ/ 82¡ó涤纶18¡óPU


The features of the head shape of Westerners are vertical, with narrow sides and overhanging back of the head.
On the other hand, the head shape of Asians is close to a circle, the side is overhanging, and has a flat shape.
However, in severe sports, even with a slight error, conventional hats have dealt with the shape of the head with
completely different characteristics in one shape.
FEELCAP has reviewed the conventional design from the ground up, and has approached from a different angle
the functions required for wear depth and width, material and shape, and sports more suitable for Asians,
in pursuit of high fit and comfort.
Effectively using a polyhedral structure that produces a more circular form
and different stretch materials that improve fit.
In addition, unique cutting was calculated so that the balance of head shape and face looks beautiful when worn.
Such as a stretch back panel that changes to the conventional size adjuster, a depth adjustment unique structure that
can be adjusted and customized according to your preference according to the depth of the head, the amount of hair,
and the presence or absence of sunglasses, etc.
FEELCAP creates a completely new comfort with unprecedented functionality.
FEEL CAP¶ñÍÁ°½ê̤ÍŪ¸ùǽ¡¤ÎãÇ¡²ÄÂØÂå传统¼ÜÀ£调节带Ū¹¡ÌÌÈÄ¡¤ÆÈÆÃŪ结构²Ä让您º¬¿ø头ŪÂç¾®¡¤发ÎÌŪ¿¾¯°ÊµÚÀ§ÈÝÂ×ÂÀ阳镜ÅùÅù¡¤Íè进¹Ô¼ÜÀ£调节,给您带ÍèÁ´¿·ÅªÐ°适´¶¡£